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Jan 31, 2025
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Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

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Marvel Studios presents “Captain America: Brave New World,” starring Anthony Mackie as Captain America/Sam Wilson.

At the end of “Avengers: Endgame,” Steve Rogers passed on his vibranium shield to Sam Wilson, who had stood beside the Avengers as the winged Falcon. But the decision to take on the mantle of Captain America was more complex for Wilson, and his journey from Falcon to Captain America.

Who’s in the cast of Captain America: Brave New World?

  • Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson / Captain America
  • Danny Ramirez as Joaquin Torres / Falcon
  • Shira Haas as Ruth Bat-Seraph, an Israeli former Black Widow
  • Carl Lumbly as Isaiah Bradley
  • Xosha Roquemore as a Secret Service agent
  • Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson
  • Giancarlo Esposito as Seth Voelker / Sidewinder
  • Tim Blake Nelson as Samuel Sterns / Leader
  • Harrison Ford as Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross / Red Hulk

Additionally, Liv Tyler reprises her role as Betty Ross, a cellular biologist and Thaddeus Ross’s daughter, from The Incredible Hulk. Rosa Salazar portrays Diamondback, a member of the Serpent Society, and Takehiro Hira appears as Prime Minister Ozaki.



Release date

In theaters February 14.

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